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Sanitizing Surfaces



Women with Masks

2021 started to look promising since the vaccine supply has been sent to the local community in early March. We hope that Canada is fully vaccinated by the end of July. At this moment we are hopeful that trade shows will take place and both the federal and provincial governments will permit events and set protocols to execute events safely.

Maintaining your health during the coronavirus pandemic is important. we’re taking all the necessary precautions to keep you (and our staff) safe and prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Our dedicated team is facing a new normal, but one thing remains constant: Your health and safety are our top priority.



Mandatory Face Masks/Covers

All participants are not only required to wear masks or face covers accurately and securely when entering the venue, but also do not remove them inside the hall.

Social Distancing

According to recent government regulations on social distancing, each group should maintain a social distance of at least 2 meters (6 feet) apart from others.

Personal Hygiene

We encourage all participants to regularly wash hands with soap or hand sanitizer.

Physical Contact

We recommend that bowing or nodding instead of shaking hands when greeting each other. For exchange personal or business information, all participants are advised to use mobile phone apps or other digital alternatives.

Rules Obeying

Following all rules and signs at RHE 2021 in order to minimize the chance of infection.

Sneezing or Coughing

Cover your nose and mouth with tissue or flexed elbow when coughing or sneezing. Dispose of tissue immediately after use and wash your hands.

COVID-19 Symptoms

Fever, dry cough, tiredness, breathing difficulty, chest pain/pressure, if you are showing any sign of listed symptoms, we encourage you to stay home and do not attend the event.



Temperature Checkpoints

Thermal imaging to scan everyone entering the hall for elevated body temperature.

Elevated Cleaning

Before, during, and after the show, our staff is committing to conducting cleaning and disinfection of all public areas such as surfaces, countertop, furnishings, door handles, washrooms, and etc. to convey a safe environment.

Senitizer in Place

The hand sanitizer will be placed throughout the entire show floor such as the entrance, public area, and every booth.

Needed Goods Supply

Our registration desk will provide face masks and disposable gloves at any time for exhibitors and attendees to use.

Contactless Registration

Pre-registration of the event ticket admission and exhibitor badges online.

Food Court

Food and beverage will be prohibited during the event.

Trace and Contact

The personal contact information will be only used for tracing if it is necessary, subject to local privacy regulations.

Signages/Floor Markings

On the show floor, the signages/floor markings effectively control the traffic flow and direct attendees around the hall.

Well-Documented Guidelines

Guided by Jade Expo Ltd. that encompasses a detailed set of measures to maximize the safety at the event.

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